How to Deal With Possum Poop?
Have you come across animal droppings in your garden? Are you unsure of the type of animal droppings in your garden? You may be wondering what’s the best way to tell what type of animal poop is in your garden. Are you wondering whether it’s squirrel, raccoon, rat, or possum droppings? Well, if you are worried about possum poop, here is everything you need to know about it.
How Big Are Opossum Droppings?
Opossum droppings are similar in size to dog poop. They actually may look alike. If you come across opossum poop, large poop is usually not broken into smaller pieces. Note that it doesn’t have a seed-like appearance in the poop. If you notice any seed-like droppings, it may be raccoon poop. Keep in mind that opossums are scavengers. When asking yourself what do possums eat? It’s important to remember they can eat anything. Therefore, you may have a hard time identifying the type of infestation you have in your garden by just looking at the poop itself.
Related article: What Does Possum Poop Look Like?
possum poop rat poop mouse poop
You need to take time to look at the poop carefully to determine whether or not you have an opossum infestation in your home. Look for anything edible inside the poop. If you look closely at pictures of the poop, you will notice that opossum droppings are mostly blackish in appearance. Are you trying to identify possum poop in your attic? Are you trying to figure out if you have possums living in your attic? Have you come across some poop in your insulation and are trying to find out what type of animal is living in your attic? Well, here are some distinguishing factors to help you out.
What Does Possum Feces Look Like?
Note that possum poop is similar in size to dog poop. The diameter is about 0.5 – 1 inch, but this may depend on the age of the possum living in your attic. On the other hand, you need to know that female possums are notorious for seeking shelter in attics, especially when pregnant and about to give birth. Finally, check if there are berries in the poop. Also, possum poop usually breaks in the middle, and it’s not a continuous string. It’s the easiest way to distinguish between rat, possum poop, and any other type of animal that may be living in your attic.
Regardless of the type of animal droppings you have come across, make sure that you don’t touch the feces in your attic. Always call a professional to handle the removal of the poop. However, if you choose to remove the animal droppings in your attic on your own, make sure you have the right gear for the job. For instance, you need to wear a respirator because possum feces may contain different types of bacteria or insects. Note that these contents may harm you and may eventually cause death.
Why Is Possum Poop Dangerous?
A notable health issue associated with possum poop is roundworm. Note that if you ingest roundworms, you may suffer serious symptoms that may become fatal. You are likely going to ingest possum roundworm if you breathe it in from the poop. If this happens and you don’t seek proper treatment, you may die. Possum poop is also affiliated with other types of bacteria such as hantavirus and histoplasmosis. These can cause diseases that lead to severe respiratory illnesses.
On the other hand, if you have come across animal droppings on your property, you may be worried about the smell. Yes, it smells terrible. Possum droppings have a very strong odor, often mixed with a urine smell. As such, it may smell like a mixture of ammonia and rotten feces. You need to be extremely careful when handling any type of animal droppings on your property since larvae, flies, and other types of parasites will start gathering around it.
Keep in mind that you are likely to become ill simply because you are close to possum feces, thereby inhaling roundworms. Possum droppings may also contain eggs that may be inhaled accidentally. Larvae, usually found inside the parasite, will negatively impact your central nervous system when inhaled. As such, you are likely going to experience symptoms such as dehydration, diarrhea, and numerous health issues. It’s advisable to hire professional possum removal experts when you find any animal droppings in your attic.
Do I Need to Hire a Possum Removal Company?
Hiring a professional is the best way to ensure that the poop removal process is effortless. These experts have the right respiratory equipment, such as hazmat suits to make sure that everyone is safe and protected during the removal process. These professionals will also remove the possum poop in its entirety safely. Even better, they will clean and sanitize the area to prevent inhalation of hazardous diseases. Once a professional remove the animal droppings in your attic, the area will be properly cleaned to make sure that your family is safe and sound.
Possum droppings in your property, such as the attic, lawn, and any other area in your home should be removed immediately. As previously mentioned, possum poop has a distinct odor. Keep in mind that possums may poop in your residential swimming pool, ponds, rivers and lakes. If you find any possum poop on your property or anywhere near your home, make sure your children and pets don’t eat, play or touch it. Certainly, you don’t want your beloved children and pets to ingest the harmful bacteria or diseases often associated with possum urine or poop.
possum family removal
Do Wildlife Removal Companies Offer Restoration Services?
If you are unsure of the type of animal droppings in your attic, you may suspect possums first. However, you need to use the distinguishing factors mentioned above to properly identify the animal droppings in your home. It’s always a good idea to hire a professional, but you can always do your research online to identify the type of poop. This way, you will be able to identify the type of animal infestation in your attic. When you have a good idea of the type of animals in your attic, you should be able to employ the best procedures effortlessly.
Possums are not dangerous animals but you need to be careful about coming in contact with them. Therefore, if you are worried about a possum infestation in your home, you need to consult with the top professionals to avoid further issues in your home. Use these and more tips to identify possum poop in your home and hire a professional wildlife removal company immediately to handle it.